
Building Resilience: Andrea's Story on the BoldLittleMinds MomCast

Episode Links: YouTube This episode of the podcast deserved its own blog post. On this episode of the BoldLittleMinds MomCast, I interviewed the incredible Andrea McGrath, a mom of two teenagers, small business owner, and passionate advocate for mental health. This conversation was packed with wisdom, practical tips, and heartfelt moments that every parent, especially those navigating mental health challenges with their children, can benefit from. Here's a rundown of some of the highlights and key takeaways from our chat. Meet Andrea Andrea is a mom to two kids, ages 16 and 14, and a small business owner passionate about supporting mental health in moms and children. Her journey into motherhood and her experiences dealing with her children's mental health challenges have shaped her into a seasoned advocate and resourceful mom. Andrea's Journey into Motherhood Before becoming a mom, Andrea earned her bachelor's degree in psychology. Initially, she pursued a career in the

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The Power of Open Spaces: Fostering Imagination and Creativity in Children