Building Resilience: Andrea's Story on the BoldLittleMinds MomCast

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This episode of the podcast deserved its own blog post. On this episode of the BoldLittleMinds MomCast, I interviewed the incredible Andrea McGrath, a mom of two teenagers, small business owner, and passionate advocate for mental health. This conversation was packed with wisdom, practical tips, and heartfelt moments that every parent, especially those navigating mental health challenges with their children, can benefit from. Here's a rundown of some of the highlights and key takeaways from our chat.

Meet Andrea

Andrea is a mom to two kids, ages 16 and 14, and a small business owner passionate about supporting mental health in moms and children. Her journey into motherhood and her experiences dealing with her children's mental health challenges have shaped her into a seasoned advocate and resourceful mom.

Andrea's Journey into Motherhood

Before becoming a mom, Andrea earned her bachelor's degree in psychology. Initially, she pursued a career in therapy, but her path changed when she had her daughter. She described this moment as life-defining, feeling "this is where I'm supposed to be." Her shift to being a stay-at-home mom allowed her to focus on her children’s needs, especially as they faced mental health challenges.

The Early Years: Struggles and Triumphs

Andrea openly shared her struggles during the early years, emphasizing the uniqueness of each child's needs. Her daughter displayed signs of anxiety from infancy, while her son struggled with colic. These challenges taught Andrea the importance of patience, understanding, and adapting her parenting strategies to meet her children where they were emotionally.

Strategies for Supporting Children with Mental Health Challenges

Andrea's story is a powerful testament to the complexities of supporting children with mental health issues. Here are some strategies she shared:

1. Grounding Techniques

One of Andrea's go-to strategies is the 5-4-3-2-1 grounding exercise. This helps her children focus on their surroundings rather than their anxieties, turning it into a fun game that engages them.

2. Breathing Exercises

They also practice the starfish breathing technique, which involves using one's hand as a visual and tactile aid to guide deep breathing. This simple yet effective exercise helps manage anxiety by fostering a sense of calm and control.

3. Listening and Observing

A significant part of Andrea's approach is being an active listener and observer. By tuning into changes in her children's behavior and being responsive rather than reactive, she can better support their needs.

The Importance of Self-Care for Parents

Andrea emphasized the necessity of self-care for parents. She shared her journey of hitting rock bottom and realizing that she couldn’t support her children effectively if she was depleted. She now practices a morning routine that includes a gratitude list, affirmations, and a walk, underscoring the importance of taking care of oneself to be a better caregiver.

Building a Community

Andrea noted the crucial role of community for mental health support. Whether online or in-person, having a network to share experiences and get advice from can make a significant difference. She encourages moms to actively seek out and engage with supportive communities.

For those worried about the teenage years, Andrea reassures us with the joys she experiences. She highlights the deep conversations, shared activities, and the evolving relationship with her teens as they mature into young adults. They bond over simple activities like watching TikToks together, showing that it's the little moments that matter most.

Andrea’s Projects and How to Connect

Andrea is working on various projects aimed at helping parents support their children's mental health. She has created a digital course and provides numerous free resources through her Instagram profile. Her journey and efforts are a testament to her dedication to mental health advocacy.

You can follow her on Instagram at @AndreaTMcGrath and explore her free resources, including conversation starters for parents and children, breathing exercises, and journal prompts.

Connect with Andrea:

Final Thoughts

Parenting, especially when navigating mental health challenges, isn't easy. But with stories like Andrea's, it’s clear that support, understanding, and self-care make all the difference. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Seek out your tribe, take one day at a time, and don't forget to take care of yourself.

For more inspiring stories from real moms, stay connected with me here at BoldLittleMinds. Share this post with friends, leave a comment with your thoughts, and subscribe to our channels for more enriching content. Thank you for joining us!

Note: In the Introduction of the episode, I refer to this article by Dr. Cara Goodwin on the research done on anxiety in children:

If you'd like to share your story or connect with me, send a DM on Instagram or email at I'm on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Pinterest – join us on this journey of supportive and informed parenting!

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